Source code for datetime_tz

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: set ts=2 sw=2 et sts=2 ai:
# Copyright 2009 Google Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# Disable the invalid name warning as we are inheriting from a standard library
# object.
# pylint: disable=invalid-name,protected-access

"""A version of the datetime module which *cares* about timezones.

This module will never return a naive datetime object. This requires the module
know your local timezone, which it tries really hard to figure out.

You can override the detection by using the datetime.tzaware.defaulttz_set
method. It the module is unable to figure out the timezone itself this method
*must* be called before the normal module is imported. If done before importing
it can also speed up the time taken to import as the defaulttz will no longer
try and do the detection.

__author__ = " (Tim Ansell)"

import calendar
import datetime
import os
import os.path
import re
import sys
import time
import warnings
import dateutil.parser
import dateutil.relativedelta
import pytz

from . import pytz_abbr  # pylint: disable=g-bad-import-order

if sys.platform == "win32":
  # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top
  from .detect_windows import _detect_timezone_windows

except NameError:
  # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
  basestring = str

  # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top
  import functools
except ImportError as e:

  class functools(object):
    """Fake replacement for a full functools."""

    # pylint: disable=unused-argument
    def wraps(f, *args, **kw):
      return f

# Need to patch pytz.utc to have a _utcoffset so you can normalize/localize
# using it.
pytz.utc._utcoffset = datetime.timedelta()

timedelta = datetime.timedelta

def _tzinfome(tzinfo):
  """Gets a tzinfo object from a string.

    tzinfo: A string (or string like) object, or a datetime.tzinfo object.

    An datetime.tzinfo object.

    UnknownTimeZoneError: If the timezone given can't be decoded.
  if not isinstance(tzinfo, datetime.tzinfo):
      tzinfo = pytz.timezone(tzinfo)
      assert in pytz.all_timezones
    except AttributeError:
      raise pytz.UnknownTimeZoneError("Unknown timezone! %s" % tzinfo)
  return tzinfo

# Our "local" timezone
_localtz = None

[docs]def localize(dt, force_to_local=True): """Localize a datetime to the local timezone. If dt is naive, returns the same datetime with the local timezone, otherwise uses astimezone to convert. Args: dt: datetime object. force_to_local: Force all results to be in local time. Returns: A datetime_tz object. """ if not isinstance(dt, datetime_tz): if not dt.tzinfo: return datetime_tz(dt, tzinfo=localtz()) dt = datetime_tz(dt) if force_to_local: return dt.astimezone(localtz()) return dt
[docs]def get_naive(dt): """Gets a naive datetime from a datetime. datetime_tz objects can't just have tzinfo replaced with None, you need to call asdatetime. Args: dt: datetime object. Returns: datetime object without any timezone information. """ if not dt.tzinfo: return dt if hasattr(dt, "asdatetime"): return dt.asdatetime() return dt.replace(tzinfo=None)
[docs]def localtz(): """Get the local timezone. Returns: The localtime timezone as a tzinfo object. """ # pylint: disable=global-statement global _localtz if _localtz is None: _localtz = detect_timezone() return _localtz
[docs]def localtz_name(): """Returns the name of the local timezone.""" return str(localtz())
[docs]def localtz_set(timezone): """Set the local timezone.""" # pylint: disable=global-statement global _localtz _localtz = _tzinfome(timezone)
[docs]def require_timezone(zone): """Raises an AssertionError if we are not in the correct timezone.""" assert localtz().zone == zone, ( "Please set your local timezone to %(zone)s (either in the machine," "or on Linux by exporting TZ=%(zone)s") % {"zone": zone}
[docs]def detect_timezone(): """Try and detect the timezone that Python is currently running in. We have a bunch of different methods for trying to figure this out (listed in order they are attempted). * In windows, use win32timezone.TimeZoneInfo.local() * Try TZ environment variable. * Try and find /etc/timezone file (with timezone name). * Try and find /etc/localtime file (with timezone data). * Try and match a TZ to the current dst/offset/shortname. Returns: The detected local timezone as a tzinfo object Raises: pytz.UnknownTimeZoneError: If it was unable to detect a timezone. """ if sys.platform == "win32": tz = _detect_timezone_windows() if tz is not None: return tz # First we try the TZ variable tz = _detect_timezone_environ() if tz is not None: return tz # Second we try /etc/timezone and use the value in that tz = _detect_timezone_etc_timezone() if tz is not None: return tz # Next we try and see if something matches the tzinfo in /etc/localtime tz = _detect_timezone_etc_localtime() if tz is not None: return tz # Next we try and use a similiar method to what PHP does. # We first try to search on time.tzname, time.timezone, time.daylight to # match a pytz zone. warnings.warn("Had to fall back to worst detection method (the 'PHP' " "method).") tz = _detect_timezone_php() if tz is not None: return tz raise pytz.UnknownTimeZoneError("Unable to detect your timezone!")
def _detect_timezone_environ(): if "TZ" in os.environ: try: return pytz.timezone(os.environ["TZ"]) except (IOError, pytz.UnknownTimeZoneError): warnings.warn("You provided a TZ environment value (%r) we did not " "understand!" % os.environ["TZ"]) def _detect_timezone_etc_timezone(): if os.path.exists("/etc/timezone"): try: tz = open("/etc/timezone").read().strip() try: return pytz.timezone(tz) except (IOError, pytz.UnknownTimeZoneError) as ei: warnings.warn("Your /etc/timezone file references a timezone (%r) that" " is not valid (%r)." % (tz, ei)) # Problem reading the /etc/timezone file except IOError as eo: warnings.warn("Could not access your /etc/timezone file: %s" % eo) def _load_local_tzinfo(): """Load zoneinfo from local disk.""" tzdir = os.environ.get("TZDIR", "/usr/share/zoneinfo/posix") localtzdata = {} for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk(tzdir): for filename in filenames: filepath = os.path.join(dirpath, filename) name = os.path.relpath(filepath, tzdir) f = open(filepath, "rb") tzinfo = pytz.tzfile.build_tzinfo(name, f) f.close() localtzdata[name] = tzinfo return localtzdata def _detect_timezone_etc_localtime(): """Detect timezone based on /etc/localtime file.""" matches = [] if os.path.exists("/etc/localtime"): f = open("/etc/localtime", "rb") localtime = pytz.tzfile.build_tzinfo("/etc/localtime", f) f.close() # We want to match against the local database because /etc/localtime will # be copied from that. Once we have found a name for /etc/localtime, we can # use the name to get the "same" timezone from the inbuilt pytz database. tzdatabase = _load_local_tzinfo() if tzdatabase: tznames = tzdatabase.keys() tzvalues = tzdatabase.__getitem__ else: tznames = pytz.all_timezones tzvalues = _tzinfome # See if we can find a "Human Name" for this.. for tzname in tznames: tz = tzvalues(tzname) if dir(tz) != dir(localtime): continue for attrib in dir(tz): # Ignore functions and specials if callable(getattr(tz, attrib)) or attrib.startswith("__"): continue # This will always be different if attrib == "zone" or attrib == "_tzinfos": continue if getattr(tz, attrib) != getattr(localtime, attrib): break # We get here iff break didn't happen, i.e. no meaningful attributes # differ between tz and localtime else: # Try and get a timezone from pytz which has the same name as the zone # which matches in the local database. if tzname not in pytz.all_timezones: warnings.warn("Skipping %s because not in pytz database." % tzname) continue matches.append(_tzinfome(tzname)) matches.sort(key=lambda x: if len(matches) == 1: return matches[0] if len(matches) > 1: warnings.warn("We detected multiple matches for your /etc/localtime. " "(Matches where %s)" % matches) return matches[0] else: warnings.warn("We detected no matches for your /etc/localtime.") # Register /etc/localtime as the timezone loaded. pytz._tzinfo_cache["/etc/localtime"] = localtime return localtime def _detect_timezone_php(): tomatch = (time.tzname[0], time.timezone, time.daylight) now = matches = [] for tzname in pytz.all_timezones: try: tz = pytz.timezone(tzname) except IOError: continue try: indst = tz.localize(now).timetuple()[-1] if tomatch == (tz._tzname, -tz._utcoffset.seconds, indst): matches.append(tzname) # pylint: disable=pointless-except except AttributeError: pass if len(matches) > 1: warnings.warn("We detected multiple matches for the timezone, choosing " "the first %s. (Matches where %s)" % (matches[0], matches)) if matches: return pytz.timezone(matches[0]) class _default_tzinfos(object): """Change tzinfos argument in dateutil.parser.parse() to use pytz.timezone. For more details, please see: Usage example: >>> dateutil.parser.parse( ... "Thu Sep 25 10:36:28 UTC 2003", ... tzinfos=datetime_tz._default_tzinfos()) """ _marker = object() def __getitem__(self, key, default=_marker): try: return pytz.timezone(key) except KeyError: if default is self._marker: raise KeyError(key) return default get = __getitem__ def has_key(self, key): return key in pytz.all_timezones def __iter__(self): for i in pytz.all_timezones: yield i def keys(self): return pytz.all_timezones
[docs]class datetime_tz(datetime.datetime): """An extension of the inbuilt datetime adding more functionality. The extra functionality includes: * Partial parsing support (IE 2006/02/30 matches %Y/%M/%D %H:%M) * Full integration with pytz (just give it the string of the timezone!) * Proper support for going to/from Unix timestamps (which are in UTC!). """ __slots__ = ["is_dst"] def __new__(cls, *args, **kw): args = list(args) if not args: raise TypeError("Not enough arguments given.") # See if we are given a tzinfo object... tzinfo = None if isinstance(args[-1], (datetime.tzinfo, basestring)): tzinfo = _tzinfome(args.pop(-1)) elif kw.get("tzinfo", None) is not None: tzinfo = _tzinfome(kw.pop("tzinfo")) # Create a datetime object if we don't have one if isinstance(args[0], datetime.datetime): # Convert the datetime instance to a datetime object. newargs = (list(args[0].timetuple()[0:6]) + [args[0].microsecond, args[0].tzinfo]) dt = datetime.datetime(*newargs) if tzinfo is None and dt.tzinfo is None: raise TypeError("Must specify a timezone!") if tzinfo is not None and dt.tzinfo is not None: raise TypeError("Can not give a timezone with timezone aware" " datetime object! (Use localize.)") else: dt = datetime.datetime(*args, **kw) if dt.tzinfo is not None: # Re-normalize the dt object dt = dt.tzinfo.normalize(dt) else: if tzinfo is None: tzinfo = localtz() try: dt = tzinfo.localize(dt, is_dst=None) except pytz.AmbiguousTimeError: is_dst = None if "is_dst" in kw: is_dst = kw.pop("is_dst") try: dt = tzinfo.localize(dt, is_dst) except IndexError: raise pytz.AmbiguousTimeError("No such time exists!") newargs = list(dt.timetuple()[0:6])+[dt.microsecond, dt.tzinfo] obj = datetime.datetime.__new__(cls, *newargs) obj.is_dst = obj.dst() != datetime.timedelta(0) return obj def __copy__(self): return type(self)(self) def __deepcopy__(self, memo): dpcpy = type(self)(self) memo[id(self)] = dpcpy return dpcpy
[docs] def asdatetime(self, naive=True): """Return this datetime_tz as a datetime object. Args: naive: Return *without* any tz info. Returns: This datetime_tz as a datetime object. """ args = list(self.timetuple()[0:6])+[self.microsecond] if not naive: args.append(self.tzinfo) return datetime.datetime(*args)
[docs] def asdate(self): """Return this datetime_tz as a date object. Returns: This datetime_tz as a date object. """ return, self.month,
[docs] def totimestamp(self): """Convert this datetime object back to a unix timestamp. The Unix epoch is the time 00:00:00 UTC on January 1, 1970. Returns: Unix timestamp. """ return calendar.timegm(self.utctimetuple())+1e-6*self.microsecond
[docs] def astimezone(self, tzinfo): """Returns a version of this timestamp converted to the given timezone. Args: tzinfo: Either a datetime.tzinfo object or a string (which will be looked up in pytz. Returns: A datetime_tz object in the given timezone. """ # Assert we are not a naive datetime object assert self.tzinfo is not None tzinfo = _tzinfome(tzinfo) d = self.asdatetime(naive=False).astimezone(tzinfo) return type(self)(d) # pylint: disable=g-doc-args
[docs] def replace(self, **kw): """Return datetime with new specified fields given as arguments. For example, dt.replace(days=4) would return a new datetime_tz object with exactly the same as dt but with the days attribute equal to 4. Any attribute can be replaced, but tzinfo can not be set to None. Args: Any datetime_tz attribute. Returns: A datetime_tz object with the attributes replaced. Raises: TypeError: If the given replacement is invalid. """ if "tzinfo" in kw: if kw["tzinfo"] is None: raise TypeError("Can not remove the timezone use asdatetime()") else: tzinfo = kw["tzinfo"] del kw["tzinfo"] else: tzinfo = None is_dst = None if "is_dst" in kw: is_dst = kw["is_dst"] del kw["is_dst"] else: # Use our own DST setting.. is_dst = self.is_dst replaced = self.asdatetime().replace(**kw) return type(self)( replaced, tzinfo=tzinfo or, is_dst=is_dst) # pylint: disable=line-to-long
[docs] def smartparse(cls, toparse, tzinfo=None): """Method which uses dateutil.parse and extras to try and parse the string. Valid dates are found at: Other valid formats include: "now" or "today" "yesterday" "tomorrow" "5 minutes ago" "10 hours ago" "10h5m ago" "start of yesterday" "end of tomorrow" "end of 3rd of March" Args: toparse: The string to parse. tzinfo: Timezone for the resultant datetime_tz object should be in. (Defaults to your local timezone.) Returns: New datetime_tz object. Raises: ValueError: If unable to make sense of the input. """ # Default for empty fields are: # year/month/day == now # hour/minute/second/microsecond == 0 toparse = toparse.strip() if tzinfo is None: dt = else: dt = default = dt.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) # Remove "start of " and "end of " prefix in the string if toparse.lower().startswith("end of "): toparse = toparse[7:].strip() dt += datetime.timedelta(days=1) dt = dt.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) dt -= datetime.timedelta(microseconds=1) default = dt elif toparse.lower().startswith("start of "): toparse = toparse[9:].strip() dt = dt.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) default = dt # Handle strings with "now", "today", "yesterday", "tomorrow" and "ago". # Need to use lowercase toparselower = toparse.lower() if toparselower in ["now", "today"]: pass elif toparselower == "yesterday": dt -= datetime.timedelta(days=1) elif toparselower in ("tomorrow", "tommorrow"): # tommorrow is spelled wrong, but code out there might be depending on it # working dt += datetime.timedelta(days=1) elif "ago" in toparselower: # Remove the "ago" bit toparselower = toparselower[:-3] # Replace all "a day and an hour" with "1 day 1 hour" toparselower = toparselower.replace("a ", "1 ") toparselower = toparselower.replace("an ", "1 ") toparselower = toparselower.replace(" and ", " ") # Match the following # 1 hour ago # 1h ago # 1 h ago # 1 hour ago # 2 hours ago # Same with minutes, seconds, etc. tocheck = ("seconds", "minutes", "hours", "days", "weeks", "months", "years") result = {} for match in re.finditer("([0-9]+)([^0-9]*)", toparselower): amount = int( unit = for bit in tocheck: regex = "^([%s]|((%s)s?))$" % ( bit[0], bit[:-1]) bitmatch =, unit) if bitmatch: result[bit] = amount break else: raise ValueError("Was not able to parse date unit %r!" % unit) delta = dateutil.relativedelta.relativedelta(**result) dt -= delta else: # Handle strings with normal datetime format, use original case. dt = dateutil.parser.parse(toparse, default=default.asdatetime(), tzinfos=pytz_abbr.tzinfos) if dt is None: raise ValueError("Was not able to parse date!") if dt.tzinfo is pytz_abbr.unknown: dt = dt.replace(tzinfo=None) if dt.tzinfo is None: if tzinfo is None: tzinfo = localtz() dt = cls(dt, tzinfo) else: if isinstance(dt.tzinfo, pytz_abbr.tzabbr): abbr = dt.tzinfo dt = dt.replace(tzinfo=None) dt = cls(dt,, is_dst=abbr.dst) dt = cls(dt) return dt
[docs] def utcfromtimestamp(cls, timestamp): """Returns a datetime object of a given timestamp (in UTC).""" obj = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp) obj = pytz.utc.localize(obj) return cls(obj)
[docs] def fromtimestamp(cls, timestamp): """Returns a datetime object of a given timestamp (in local tz).""" d = cls.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp) return d.astimezone(localtz())
[docs] def utcnow(cls): """Return a new datetime representing UTC day and time.""" obj = datetime.datetime.utcnow() obj = cls(obj, tzinfo=pytz.utc) return obj
[docs] def now(cls, tzinfo=None): """[tz] -> new datetime with tz's local day and time.""" obj = cls.utcnow() if tzinfo is None: tzinfo = localtz() return obj.astimezone(tzinfo) # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
[docs] def combine(cls, date, time, tzinfo=None): """date, time, [tz] -> datetime with same date and time fields.""" if tzinfo is None: tzinfo = localtz() return cls(datetime.datetime.combine(date, time), tzinfo)
today = now # pylint: disable=unused-argument @staticmethod def fromordinal(ordinal): raise SyntaxError("Not enough information to create a datetime_tz object " "from an ordinal. Please use") # We can't use datetime's absolute min/max otherwise astimezone will fail.
datetime_tz.min = datetime_tz( datetime.datetime.min+datetime.timedelta(days=2), pytz.utc) datetime_tz.max = datetime_tz( datetime.datetime.max-datetime.timedelta(days=2), pytz.utc)
[docs]class iterate(object): """Helpful iterators for working with datetime_tz objects.""" @staticmethod
[docs] def between(start, delta, end=None): """Return an iterator between this date till given end point. Example usage: >>> d = datetime_tz.smartparse("5 days ago") 2008/05/12 11:45 >>> for i in d.between(timedelta(days=1), >>> print i 2008/05/12 11:45 2008/05/13 11:45 2008/05/14 11:45 2008/05/15 11:45 2008/05/16 11:45 Args: start: The date to start at. delta: The interval to iterate with. end: (Optional) Date to end at. If not given the iterator will never terminate. Yields: datetime_tz objects. """ toyield = start while end is None or toyield < end: yield toyield toyield += delta
[docs] def weeks(start, end=None): """Iterate over the weeks between the given datetime_tzs. Args: start: datetime_tz to start from. end: (Optional) Date to end at, if not given the iterator will never terminate. Returns: An iterator which generates datetime_tz objects a week apart. """ return iterate.between(start, datetime.timedelta(days=7), end)
[docs] def days(start, end=None): """Iterate over the days between the given datetime_tzs. Args: start: datetime_tz to start from. end: (Optional) Date to end at, if not given the iterator will never terminate. Returns: An iterator which generates datetime_tz objects a day apart. """ return iterate.between(start, datetime.timedelta(days=1), end)
[docs] def hours(start, end=None): """Iterate over the hours between the given datetime_tzs. Args: start: datetime_tz to start from. end: (Optional) Date to end at, if not given the iterator will never terminate. Returns: An iterator which generates datetime_tz objects a hour apart. """ return iterate.between(start, datetime.timedelta(hours=1), end)
[docs] def minutes(start, end=None): """Iterate over the minutes between the given datetime_tzs. Args: start: datetime_tz to start from. end: (Optional) Date to end at, if not given the iterator will never terminate. Returns: An iterator which generates datetime_tz objects a minute apart. """ return iterate.between(start, datetime.timedelta(minutes=1), end)
[docs] def seconds(start, end=None): """Iterate over the seconds between the given datetime_tzs. Args: start: datetime_tz to start from. end: (Optional) Date to end at, if not given the iterator will never terminate. Returns: An iterator which generates datetime_tz objects a second apart. """ return iterate.between(start, datetime.timedelta(minutes=1), end)
def _wrap_method(name): """Wrap a method. Patch a method which might return a datetime.datetime to return a datetime_tz.datetime_tz instead. Args: name: The name of the method to patch """ method = getattr(datetime.datetime, name) # Have to give the second argument as method has no __module__ option. @functools.wraps(method, ("__name__", "__doc__"), ()) def wrapper(self, *args, **kw): r = method(self, *args, **kw) if isinstance(r, datetime.datetime) and not isinstance(r, type(self)): r = type(self)(r) return r setattr(datetime_tz, name, wrapper) for methodname in ["__add__", "__radd__", "__rsub__", "__sub__"]: # Make sure we have not already got an override for this method assert methodname not in datetime_tz.__dict__ # pypy 1.5.0 lacks __rsub__ if hasattr(datetime.datetime, methodname): _wrap_method(methodname) __all__ = [ "datetime_tz", "detect_timezone", "iterate", "localtz", "localtz_set", "timedelta", "_detect_timezone_environ", "_detect_timezone_etc_localtime", "_detect_timezone_etc_timezone", "_detect_timezone_php", "localize", "get_naive", "localtz_name", "require_timezone"]